Common Trade Names: Lexan, Hyzod
Profile: superior impact, clarity, high mechanical strength and rigidity, good thermal properties
Applications: machine guards, noise abatement, flat and curved glazing, see through work station partitions
Profile: superior impact, good thermal properties and high mechanical strength and rigidity.
Applications: Pump parts, manifolds, valve parts, insulators, guards, diaphrams
Common Trade Names: Plexiglass, Acrylite, Lucite
Profile: Excellent transparency, lighter than glass, impact and weather resistant, chemical resistant, affordable and easy to work with.
Applications: Sight protection guards, equipment, pharmaceutical, clear parts.
Meets FDA guidelines for pharmaceutical processing and food contact application.
Profile: Superior abrasion resistant, low friction surface, excellent wear resistance, good impact strength, corrosion resistance, no water absorption, good machinability
Applications: wear strips, chute linings, guide rails, work surfaces, bearing surfaces, sliding surfaces.
Profile: Positive Balance of strength and toughness, FDA compliant, good mechanical and electrical properties.
Applications: Bearings and Bushings, Valve Seats, Wear Pads, Guides, Rollers, Dies, Wheels, Gears
Common Trade Name: Teflon
Profile: Heat and chemical resistant, toughness and flexibility, weather resistant, anti-stick qualities.
Applications: Valve Components, Gaskets, Pump Components, Seal Rings, Seals, Rollers, Washers, Insulators, Bearings
Common Trade Name: Delrin
Profile: Excellent Wear, High Strength, Low Friction and Moisture Absorption, Easily Machinable
Applications: valve seats, Bearings, Wear surfaces, Gears, Rollers, Electrical Components, Anti-static Components.
Profile: Chemical Resistant, Low Cost, Lightweight, Impact Resistant, Excellent Electrical Properties, Machinable and Weldable, Cementable.
Applications: Tanks, Ducts, Pump parts, Wastewater Applications, Packaging Machinery.