American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron

Conversion Data Chart
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Gauge Tolerance Chart
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Phone: 513-396-6600
Phone: 800-541-4430
Fax: 513-396-6079
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Phone: 502-634-4321
Phone: 800-427-8335
Fax: 502-634-9002
American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron       American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron      American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron
American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron     
American metal, steel service center, steel and metal distributor, metal, metal supply, alloys, aluminum, cold finish, galvanized, hot roll, stainless, fiberglass, plastics, processing, ornamental iron


Fractions to decimals to millimeters conversion chart

Use the chart to convert fractions of an inch to decimals and millimeters.

Fraction Decimals Millimeters Fraction Decimal Millimeters
1/64 .0156 .3969 33/64 .5156 13.0969
1/32 .0313 .7938 17/32 .5313 13.4938
3/64 .0469 1.1906 35/64 .5499 13.8906
1/16 .0625 1.5875 9/16 .5625 14.2875
5/64 .0781 1.9844 37/64 .5781 14.6844
3/32 .0938 2.3813 19/32 .5938 15.0813
7/64 .1094 2.7781 39/64 .6094 15.4781
1/8 .125 3.1750 5/8 .625 15.8750
9/64 .1406 3.5719 41/64 .6406 16.2719
5/32 .1563 3.9688 21/32 .6563 16.6688
11/64 .1719 4.3656 43/64 .6719 17.0656
3/16 .1875 4.7625 11/16 .6875 17.4625
13/64 .2031 5.1594 45/64 .7031 17.8594
7/32 .2188 5.5563 23/32 .7188 18.2563
15/64 .2344 5.9531 47/64 .7344 18.6531
1/4 .250 6.3500 3/4 .750 19.0500
17/64 .2656 6.7469 49/64 .7656 19.4469
9/32 .2813 7.1438 25/32 .7813 19.8438
19/64 .2969 7.5406 51/64 .7969 20.2406
5/16 .3125 7.9375 13/16 .8125 20.6375
21/64 .3281 8.3344 53/64 .8281 21.0344
11/32 .3438 8.7313 27/32 .8438 21.4313
23/64 .3594 9.1281 55/64 .8594 21.8281
3/8 .375 9.5250 7/8 .875 22.2250
25/64 .3906 9.9219 57/64 .8906 22.6219
13/32 .4063 10.3188 29/32 .9063 23.0188
27/64 .4219 10.7156 59/64 .9219 23.4156
7/16 .4375 11.1125 15/16 .9375 23.8125
29/64 .4531 11.5094 61/64 .9531 24.2094
15/32 .4688 11.9063 31/32 .9688 24.6063
31/64 .4844 12.3031 63/64 .9844 25.0031
1/2 .500 12.7000 1 1.00 25.400





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